Author: Wren
Archipelago Adventures 3 – The Hornet’s Nest (Part 1)
The newly formed party gathers information and comes up with a plan to deal with Harlow and save the church.
The Archipelago Adventure Full Party Roster
Now that I’ve finally introduced everyone in the party, I figured I’d summarize them here while I work on the recap of the last session. I will note that we will likely take the last Friday of each month off to allow a free day for the players and extra time for planning and catching…
Meet Releoch the Oddball Kineticist!
Releloch the Kineticist is an oddball, but an endearing one.
Meet Armstrong the Smooth-Talking Sorcerer!
Armstrong the Sorcerer is as charismatic as she is talented with magic.
Archipelago Adventures Session 2 – Don’t Talk About Fight Club
Father Mateo: Alright, the rules of the match are as follows. Hand to hand only. I don’t want to see any knives or spells. The match will continue until one of you gets knocked off of your feet. Five gold for participating ten gold for winning. With that, Father Mateo rings his bell and the…
Archipelago Adventures — Lumiere
I’m still working on a map, but for now, a general description should work. Lumiere’s Guardian is an Ancient Crystal Dragon named Phoebe the Bright. (Of course, they all have more draconic names, but they chose simpler names in order to make it easier for their denizens.) Phoebe, like most Crystal Dragons, is good-hearted but…
Meet Thallan the Trailblazing Rogue!
This is Thallan Fallee! Yes, I know technically elves don’t have beards, but this one does! Why? We may never know! He was compared to Obi-Wan and honestly, I can’t unsee it! He is quiet but so far has managed to keep Releoch from scaring off NPCs with his antics.
Meet Vin the Ambitious Alchemist!
Vin Toussaint is an up-and-coming Vishkanya Alchemist who had been living and studying in Shorehaven when our story begins. She is an old friend of Vilkas and can never seem to stop working on a new formula or potion.
Meet Vilkas the Werewolf Barbarian!
When we first meet Vilkas, he is a bartender at the Snuggly Duckling just trying to have a fresh start, but recent events threaten to drag him back into the world he thought he had left behind.
Archipelago Adventures Session 1 – Welcome to Shorehaven
Here it is! The very first session of my brand-new campaign! The setting is still a work in progress, but I will explain enough here to get us started! In the Veiled Sea, there lies an archipelago, consisting of four major islands and several smaller ones, divided into five regions: Lumiere, Dulra, Zima, Agonos, and…