Tag: pathfinder 2e
Archipelago Adventures Session 3 – The Hornet’s Nest (Part 2)
State of the Adventure This party is going to be the death of me, but here we are! At long last, here is Part 2 of Session 3 of Archipelago Adventures! I’m going to make this a three-parter since it’s starting to get pretty long. We didn’t run last Friday due to Valentine’s Day, so…
Archipelago Adventures 3 – The Hornet’s Nest (Part 1)
The newly formed party gathers information and comes up with a plan to deal with Harlow and save the church.
The Archipelago Adventure Full Party Roster
Now that I’ve finally introduced everyone in the party, I figured I’d summarize them here while I work on the recap of the last session. I will note that we will likely take the last Friday of each month off to allow a free day for the players and extra time for planning and catching…
Meet Releoch the Oddball Kineticist!
Releloch the Kineticist is an oddball, but an endearing one.
Archipelago Adventures — Lumiere
I’m still working on a map, but for now, a general description should work. Lumiere’s Guardian is an Ancient Crystal Dragon named Phoebe the Bright. (Of course, they all have more draconic names, but they chose simpler names in order to make it easier for their denizens.) Phoebe, like most Crystal Dragons, is good-hearted but…
The Adventure Begins
Our adventure begins here! I’m looking forward to taking this journey with you all! I think I’ll start with introducing my setting for my brand-new Pathfinder 2E Campaign in my next post! Then, I’ll introduce the party and recap our first session! Looking forward to taking that first step! Life is either a daring adventure…